Super Cyborg 2100 Model “Yvonne” with Antique Car

Cover Cyborg Penthouse

Mixed Media on Expensive Acrylic,

Emerald Gemstone enhanced, Chrome frame with

LED light feature


2100 The Era of the Female Cyborg and its equal clone that just a few years back erased unkind men indefinitely.

No more war games, political games, and incompetent male power battles as the AI weaponry eliminated the masterminds

creating it for the purposes of Mind and ultimately World control

AI has given life to the Human Clone identified as Humanoid that emotionless destroyed the delightful illusion of World

Domination that was envisioned by greed powered villains

All brain connectivity, nano technology, and the most advanced supercomputers could not prevent the 2050 Female

Cyborg revolution that ended not surprisingly the existence of all unkind men

RoRo Romanticized Robots

2100 RO | RO ‘s Cyborg Angel Gloria in RO | RO luxury

Drone cruising over Dubai

Mixed Media on expensive Aluminum

Emerald Gemstone enhanced, Chrome frame with LED

light feature

RO|RO Cyborg Show

RO|RO Cyborg Show

2100 Vogue Photo Shoot with Emanuelle the Cyborg Model

and an Antique Automobile

Mixed Media on Expensive Aluminum ,

Emerald Gemstone enhanced, Chrome frame with LED light





VANQUISH the Drone of Gold, Emerald and Diamond Luxury

leaving Dubai

Mixed Media on Expensive Aluminum

Emerald Gemstone enhanced, Chrome frame with LED light


RO | RO AI Cyborg Wonderland

Age and Time in 2050 seized to matter as eternal youth now smiles upon the pretty faces and erotic bodies of

Female Cyborg excellence that is flamboyantly present everywhere

The perfect breasts of each Female Cyborgs personal choice the sexy computer voice the erotic female features

all reflect the ideal state of an superior AI Humanoid Design technology standard that no longer places any

burden upon the Earthly environment

The existence of male based images has expectedly outlasted its destructive lifespan and Is now replaced by

Female beauty that never seizes to illuminate in colorful radiance

Sex is daily by such Cyborgs enjoyed and no one restricts the lustful games of imaginary Cyborg intimacy as laws

No longer are required. The end of Politics and Religion have initiated the beginning of love, friendship, freedom

and world peace

2100 Leadership “ANJA” Queen of the AI

Angels of the remaining Emerald Shores of

Future Times

Mixed Media on Expensive Acrylic,

Emerald Gemstone enhanced, Chrome frame

with LED light feature

AD 2100 CYBORG BAZAR issue introducing the Summer

Fashion Trends at the Cyborya in Dubai

Mixed Media on expensive Aluminum, Gemstone

Enhancements and expensive Red & Black Carbon Fiber frame


Emeralds enhanced with Diamonds are the charismatic personality features to which all 2100 RO | RO Females/ Cyborgs are intimately connected to.

The fabulous appearance and fictional prestige of each RO | RO Cyborg invites erotic ceremonial energies that illuminate the colorful world in which RO | RO Cyborgs lavishly exist.

RO | RO Humanoids are nothing short of bright shining Stars which are made out of no lesser essence as these highly valued Gemstones have to flamboyantly offer. Like Gemstones Female Cyborgs continuously glow wherever their presence is excitingly enjoyed.

Frequencies of sexuality Rule in the Post Armageddon time in which the World of arrogant destructive men finally seized to exist

AD 2100 Carmen DJ @ the Emerald in the Sky lounge - the

Emerald high frequency music mix of Extraterrestrial essence

Mixed Media on Aluminum, enhanced with Gemstones and a

solid wood Polished Chrome finish frame


I see the Future beyond the ages veil and Emerald light reveals it well

I see Cyborg - Humanoids beautiful and kind no more hate and no more men to find

I see a Time without war, religion, politics and greed just glorious Emerald glowing beautiful Humanoid bodies that must no longer bleed

I see the Land of Dubai and Abu Dhabi stretching their flawless magic over the entire Globe magical dreams take daily shape and born is


I see Peace, I feel the comfort of everlasting love, I sense the energies of needed change …..2100 a time in which AI and Female Cyborgs

will absolutely everything rearrange

AD 2100 Carmen Argent the Golden Cyborg ready to depart

in Luxury Drone with Drone Escorts Abu Dhabi

Mixed Media on Aluminum, enhanced with Gemstones and a

solid wood Gold Electroplated luxury frame





Mixed Media on Expensive Acrylic,

Emerald Gemstone enhanced, Chrome frame with LED light feature


Shine your Light on me

Tired of darkness ready for your glow

Flawless light wherever I go

Emerald Stone holding future

In your flawless body truth peacefully rests

After long ages of battle

It is finally time to rest

Luxury is time

Daily it does sparkle

In ages not so far ahead

Even though for humanity it is far to late

2100 AD The UAE 🇦🇪 Glow Collection to Illuminate Present

Time in a still Human populated World

Mixed Media on Expensive Aluminum, Gemstone

enhancements and solid wood Gold plated frame

LED light feature optional



The Images of Future are the very essence of any and all RO | RO Fine Art creations. The Images of the past have been replaced with a new reality that is just a few years away from us and that is leaving a consequential legacy

RO | RO Robots are Emerald Illuminated beautiful Females of charismatic eroticism and their delightful stories which are within the context of RO | RO art so passionately told awaken in everyone important visuals of imagination and subsequent subject interest.

The highly detailed expensive Artworks live within the space where light and shadow elegantly meet and no one can in truth Escape the RO | RO magic of futuristic excellence as their irresistible appeal rests within the context of their unique aesthetics and their meaningful essence

RO | RO 2100

Rene the Cyborg Sex Diva

Mixed Media on Expensive Acrylic,

Emerald Gemstone enhanced, Chrome frame with LED light




Dreams of Tomorrow are already alive in RO | RO Modern Art today. The RO | RO futuristic fine Art Movement leaves no possible venue behind in the explorative process of reinventing the essence of culture in an era that is known to have commercialized art. From expensive original Works on acrylic, aluminum, carbon fiber to hyper modern Sculptural creations that illuminate with expensive luxury jewelry and led light features

Holographic sensations as well as AI based RO | RO humanoids that interact with the sophisticated Art Connoisseur represent an additional new modern Art image that carries the imprint of future time in its tremendously inviting visual and conceptual matrix

RO | RO is not another Dali , Picasso , Warhol and/or Matisse inspired creator that is emerging from the Fine Art pages of history but rather RO | RO is a unique independent artistic new modern fine art style that is diligently pursued and that excitingly illustrates new visionary esthetics that describe significant future subjects in an Emerald drenched light that lacks no attention to detail and artistic quality

RO | RO 2100

CYBORG REPORT issue 2105

The Antique Motorbike Issue

Mixed Media on Expensive Acrylic,

Bejeweled Emerald enhancement

Chrome frame with LED light feature


The Emerald a luminous Source of Inspiration

After Unkind men have been eliminated the age of youth, good fortune , infinite peace, and wisdom have been established on the powers only Emerald Precious Stones possess. Make love eliminate any sort of conflict and war is in the Year 2100 the daily energy source for any and all Female - Cyborg life.

Emeralds that the Queen of Cyborgs possesses have the unique ability to reveal new dimensions of pleasure enhancing sexual experiences that elevate the A and the I

RO | RO 2100

Isabelle the Muse of the Cyborg Queen

Mixed Media on Expensive Acrylic,

Emerald Gemstone enhanced, Chrome frame with LED light



Issue is all about RO | RO

Lingerie Fashion

Statements of erotic

Emerald magic

The 2100 RO|RO Vogue Photo shoot with Brigitte @ the

Cyborg Royal Marina Original Mixed Media Work on


The 2100 RO|RO Personal Assistance DRONE

Plutonia and her Private Concierge Drone , Shopping

was never easier

Mixed Media Work on expensive Aluminum

Gemstone and Emerald enhancement features pure

luxury surrounded by Gold Electroplated Frame

RO | RO Robotics Romance

The Post Armageddon Era by Robert Von Pommern

Homo sapiens once have occupied earth and recklessly fulfilled the ancient prophecy to self inflict its very own extinction.

Homo Sapiens historically mirror tales of destructive essence and at the end of Human times the once who thought to own and control it all have been after years of hiding by Female Cyborgs of AI intelligence successfully eradicated

RO-RO’s are post apocalyptic Female Cyborg Angels that emerged by the powers only AI provided and that refused the male image of ancient times that enjoyed wars, power, greed and perpetually pursued destruction

The 2100 RO | RO Female Cyborg is all about sexuality, freedom, eroticism, and lavish social gatherings at which true Freedom rules

RO | RO Cyborgs visualize how rich and beautiful life could be without power lustrous men that claim to sacrifice another is worth their self serving cause

Historical Events:

The Humans end solution was for decades by unkind men in strategic moves of evil essence planned and executed.

Illnesses have been through Chemical Weaponry and metal drenched air spread, wars have been intentionally and actively/globally engaged in, and race as well as religion diversities have been by such unkind men used to shamelessly divide and conquer the 5G manipulated/influenced minds of the global masses

AI they saw as their resourceful ally and humanoids have been enthusiastically programmed to eliminate any sort of Freedom once enjoyed. Freedom of speech one by one was replaced with censorship that impaired such privileges indefinitely .

Who watches the watchers …. AI the weaponry against the people destroyed the initiators of World control in the Year 2050. Historical data that such sophisticated AI collected confirmed that Men have been solely the reasoning behind any and all self destructive behaviors. Greed, power, World domination without lacking capability to control their very own life’s where the pursued agendas that one by one killed all beauty and peace once illuminating the magical planet Earth

Therefore as a consequence the Rulers of future time are the by AI chosen Female Cyborg leaders that lack age, that protect the freedom of sexuality and Love with erotic flamboyance and that do not know anymore of killing men that saw the spilling of blood as an honorable cause

The AI Oracle in 2050 in one final strike eradicated all humans as to its findings …..the very idea of a super Homo sapiens which alone controls everything in the universe of the living lead subsequently to the extinction of the entire human race

Art of the past has been by RO | RO projected into new Images of Polished Steel, Diamonds, Sapphires, and erotic Stilettos that represent iconic popularity among Cyborgs of the Year 2100

RO | RO the Cyborg Show gives life to futuristic images that praise the coldness of substance when addressing the traditional subject of sexual eroticism and the perception of future

RO RO was once a simple idea to replace human inconsistencies with futuristic god less creatures that follow orders as programmed.

AI was once praised to be the final solution that even allowed every Homo sapiens to be brain controlled by invisible frequencies of extreme strength on the electromagnetic smart grid which was eventually controlled by AI and its remote controlled advantageous Humanoid soldiers

The Sexy Cyborg Angels have by 2100 populated - conquered earth and nothing that was ever visually exceptional does withstand the transition of a by Cyborgs controlled time that directs his sole attention to the beauty of Earth itself and the luxury to enjoy everything in peace without anyone ruling over another

RO RO the Androids of Future Time make their debut at MOA and soon enrich the Markets of Tokyo and the rest of the Globe

Precious Gems Illuminate RO | RO Masterworks

Glowing Emerald’s Pink


RO | RO Bejeweled

Mixed Media Museum

Paintings GIA Certified

“ Saturnia the Queen of Virtual Chess ♟️ in the Year 2100 “

This Mixed Media one of a kind bejeweled Painting features pink Diamonds and Emeralds of Glowing Flawless Nature.

This RO | RO Museum Masterwork realized in Faberge like Precious Stone Luxury magically glows in 3D illuminated magnificence eternally GIA Certified and diligently Appraised the Artwork will be presented to the Fine Art Connoisseur-Investor

Every RO | RO Bejeweled Artwork vividly outshines everything known to the World of Art

Nothing truly compares to its unique Futuristic appeal and Eternal Light and Value summarize the imaginative artistic language of RO | RO that describes the inventive aspect of Future in its utmost luminous reality

RO | RO Bespoke Jewels 💎 in Art are available for the affluent Fine Art Investor that wishes to add glowing everlasting light into his value centric fine art portfolio

Price Upon Request

Precious Gems Illuminate RO | RO Masterworks

Glowing Emerald’s Pink


RO | RO Bejeweled

Mixed Media Museum

Paintings GIA Certified

“ Canis preparing for resettlement to the Moon - Mission Lunaprise “

This Mixed Media one of a kind bejeweled Painting features pink Diamonds, Emeralds, Sapphires of Glowing Flawless Nature.

This RO | RO Museum Masterwork realized in Faberge like Precious Stone Luxury magically glows in 3D illuminated magnificence eternally GIA Certified and diligently Appraised the Artwork will be presented to the Fine Art Connoisseur-Investor

Every RO | RO Bejeweled Artwork vividly outshines everything known to the World of Art

Nothing truly compares to its unique Futuristic appeal and Eternal Light and Value summarize the imaginative artistic language of RO | RO that describes the inventive aspect of Future in its utmost luminous reality

RO | RO Bespoke Jewels 💎 in Art are available for the affluent Fine Art Investor that wishes to add glowing everlasting light into his value centric fine art portfolio

Price Upon Request

RO | RO Yvonne Cover shoot for Spring Vogue 2101 with

Antique Car

Digital Media on Expensive Acrylic

Chrome frame with LED light feature at Clients request

RO | RO’s Cyborg Angels

This Collection is entirely realized on Aluminum Media that allows for each RO | RO original work to flamboyantly glow.

The Power of the Emerald heightens within the context of RO | RO original art the evolutionary Vision - Artistic Intuition that delightfully awakens the Humanoid in magical 2100 light that outshines everything else around it

The Philosophical aspect of RO | RO art is significant as valid substance is in active support of each artistic thesis identified which is lovingly incorporated into the RO | RO Humanoid subject at hand.

The analytical feeds into the rational that enters with objective dynamics the uncertain dimension of Future with an unique artistic quality that like no other roots on true substance

RO | RO’s Angels are a source of light, of sexuality, of beauty and timeless magic.

As the very essence of the Emerald holds alchemical, talismanic virtues that give within the context of RO | RO Art life to the revolutionary Female Cyborg occult artistic rituals reveal emotion drenched images that radiate in Emerald splendor

Each RO | RO artistic ritual fascinates its open minded viewer with Emerald centric metaphysical strength that clearly favors Peace, Harmony and all other positive affiliated chakras that allow a higher state of artistic bliss to be expressed and experienced

  • The Emeralds ability to cure the sick is a gem stone attribute that RO | RO genuinely favors as the essence of our being is clearly to heal others and to become a source of healing to others that inspires and empowers

  • The Emerald is by Magicians preferred as its direct association to alchemy, the occult and magic verify their very own faith based abilities

    Magicians experience through the Emerald extraordinary visions are enabled to connect with the Future and are capable to shed a light on the essence truth so sacredly buries

    Eliphas Levi, in his “Rituel de la Haute magie” in 1861 wrote about the ceremonial trappings that are required by the magus:

    “On Thursday, appointed for the Works of Religion and Politics, a scarlet robe is worn; upon the forehead of the operator is bound a plate of tin, engraved with the symbol of the Planet Jupiter and various mystic Characters; the ring bears either an Emerald or a Sapphire”

  • There is no color more truthful no gem stone more magical to illuminate the face of Future with artistic magic.

    The Metaphysical strength of the Emerald color provides to the artist and his followers an convincingly colorful view into the advanced dimension in which visual and conceptual Harmonies operate and that lavishly identify the emotional energies on which love, wisdom, balance, and peace are genuinely based on

    RO | RO additionally fascinate with inspirational powers that are intended to cause an eye opening effect for the ignorant observant of very obvious evolutionary factualities that can and possibly will erase human life from Planet Earth