Robert Von Pommern


“Child with No Future 1 “ 
Digital Media on Expensive Acrylic, 
Emerald Gemstone enhanced, Chrome frame with LED Light Features 

On metal drenched Monsanto soil

In lifeless rivers in which dangerously lethal metals boil

In Chemtrail sky’s congested by Barium, Aluminum and Carbon silicate

All such Heavy Poison despicably dumped by rain

Life can from now on clearly never be the same again.

The lethal weight of heavy metal sinking forever into earthly ground

On which subsequently soon no more life can be found

The Virus infested highly polluted by Chemical weaponry poisoned air

Simply has covered Earth everywhere

On smart grid humans are intrusively supervised

Mass surveillance freedom intrusively compromised

Soon nothing to say and nowhere to go

Mandatory lock down show

And just like the epic Nazi terror doom

Does over us the metal chambers deadly poison loom

Without being seen with no particular taste

Human remains collateral waste

Enjoy the fruit with no taste

Catch the fish that is drowning in a soon to be Dead Sea

And the meat intentionally hormone polluted

And until today “No one” has been ever prosecuted

The greed the lust for earthly power

Has strangled to death the living flower

The steps of the child

paralyzed by the Virus X Corona virus fright

Men made evil Chemical weaponry

Spread through the air for no one to see

Trail by trail plane by plane

A warm welcome to the Global Hunger-game

The World control Villains gathering yearly in Davos

Ensemble in secrecy for the new World Order cause

Owning nothing they claim is ideally all you need

Bugs and Roaches is what you should ultimately your Children feed

We are as inhuman humans despicable

As we are Nothing as an ignorant infectious pest

That is slowly but surely drowning in towers of toxic waste

We abuse and use,

We destroy to rebuild

We kill to control

Armageddon’s depicted net less fall

We ignore the Child’s hopeless scream

We intentionally destroy every living dream

We dare to weaponize the once purity of nature

To kill all of mankind

No place to hide is soon left to find

Endangered Plants without sun

Food without taste

Air to lethal for breathing

Propaganda Freedom images simply deceiving

The little toes the precious feed

Are therefore Walking on heavily poisoned seed

What in the World have we done

Nothing good is surely to come

How dare the Bill Gates of Today

Using vaccines and Chemtrail insanity

for his life controlling power play

These men not deserving their globe spanning power

Have covered the globe with an highly profitable acid shower

Future once awaited

Has now on vaccinations terror willfully bedded

And the once happy children face

Misses the smiles that leave a comforting joyful trace

Children once future

Deprived of nature and health

Tears of grievance soon to flow

When every human will have to die

Including you and I

Child with no Future

Rien Ne Va Plus

“Child with No Future 2 “ 
Digital Media on Expensive Acrylic, 
Emerald Gemstone enhanced, Chrome frame with LED Light Features 

The Unpredictable Dynamics of the Unknown

The Exhilaration of incidental forces that

we are unable to control in extent and dynamics

Lack clearly always intelligent consideration

In the minds of the Power lusting fools

The fake inconsistent and incomplete Images as

envisioned by such Evil Minds

are therefore solely based on the restricted amount of

knowledge that is at the disposal for the recklessly

ignorant Tyrant

What fool can truthful predict future and the outcome of

event’s ….

Who in truth can override the unpredictable sudden

occurrences of vastly approaching future time

Can you see Tomorrow’s events

Is the crystal ball vision to be trusted or will you not get

in the avalanche of time surprisingly busted

Tyrants- Dictatorship Global World Domination

Have never as historically verified

given life to a Prosperous peacefully sublime Honor

founded society

Ālea iacta est - The Dices always fall on a soil of

uncertain terrain and the seeds to achieve World

Domination have been unsuccessfully planted from the

beginning of Time

Unkind Men have never seized to place themselves

above the magic women and fertility control

even though all life is painfully given through their

Beautiful and miraculous bodies

The Propaganda of God being of Male origin

conveniently enriched the preachers of past and

present time

It was undoubtedly men that employed Technology for

senseless Military means

It was - and is such unkind men that sell the killing of

another as a noble and meaningful cause

And it was the very same that insanely

demanded for executions the masses applause

Such greedy men simply want it all,

Regardless how much others have to suffer and

How many livelihoods have been left to fall

All of these unkind man never considered

The unpredictable, unpreventable, consequential

failures that always await in the

lingering dark corners in which fatal errors

Are always surprisingly rising

The Gold of Fools

the insane World domination agendas

will not excite for long

as the price due to be paid

outshines all of the envisioned Glory by far

And so the Armageddon event requires not much of

Imagination as self destruction always accompanies the

final awareness of infinite loss

The Damons awakening in the horrific images of Mind

control technology

Is inviting the exhilarating forces of AI World

dominance that does no longer require the existence of

Physical men

The Pages of a blood drenched History soon to be

turned will eradicate the Victors gains indefinitely

and the Cyborgs of Future time will enjoy the truthful

tale for unkind men to have given life

to the certain end of their very own existence

Every Child is a precious Gem of

Priceless Essence Illuminating the

World with the promising Image of


“Child with No Future 3 “ 
Digital Media on Expensive Acrylic, 
Emerald Gemstone enhanced, Chrome frame with LED Light Features 

Perpetually, Posthumously, Metaphorically the Echoes

Of past Time repeat the events of war and crime

From heights into depths

No more option to voice regrets

Song without tune

Voice without a human face

The devils we called

Have forever occupied all of humanity’s space

The A and I

welcome our Good bye

Children of the World by us willfully deceived,

As the visual of their promising Future

can sadly Never be retrieved

In the shadow the Object

In the Gray the pure White

In laughter the rising of Pain

As opposite’s never seize

to continually meet again

I Dream of the Future

I see its utmost concerning face

And to wherever distance my mind is drawn

Exhilarating events increase my pace

The Vultures are soaring

Over bodies to come

The Pages are turning

The beginning of the End has begun


“Child with No Future 4 - The Angel  “ 
Digital Media on Expensive Acrylic, 
Emerald Gemstone enhanced, Chrome frame with LED Light Features 


Whom to choose

Who decides that you are for this society

No longer of any use?

God has no longer any say

Global incarceration for everyone to mandatorily obey

The valid question arises….

When do you finally have to go

And what are you privileged about

your certain death to know

Is it in the sky

The food - the poisoned air

Or was the lethal seed

in truth planted everywhere

No one is ever liable

No answers are ever to be given

As one by one the children of this World

Are into the crowded Graveyard driven

Depopulation In Nazi Himmler style Propaganda used to validate

The heinous inhuman act

Secret but obvious is the Devils secret pact

Children, Women and Men falling ill all the same

Their bodies weakened their life is pain

The reckless benefactors are naturally never to blame

Their New Pandemic speeches in sync with the poison

development stages

History clearly will remember such despicable horrific pages

Long Covid is certainly not yet a great deal

Await phase two and embrace your kill

The Villains Prophecy elaborated in public speeches

The Power Greed Collapse, the Satellite Hack, the food

shortage and natures fury

Now at your Movie theater and Later on on the stage

called life

you clearly don’t stand a chance to eventually


Depopulation in propaganda rectifies the cause

The devil is the guardian over this tremendously evil


Humans viewed as necessary collateral loss

Men is worth nothing

All for the cause

Slowly but surely the World domination dynamics are

vigorously fed

So you willingly lay down

On your very own sacrificial bed

Children with no tomorrow

All Night no more Day

If only the few pushing the issue

Are finally locked away 🔐

“Child with No Future 5 - World Domination Hell “ 
Digital Media on Expensive Acrylic, 
Emerald Gemstone enhanced, Chrome frame with LED Light Features 
“Child with No Future 5 - A Day | Armageddon the final chapter “ 
Digital Media on Expensive Acrylic, 
Emerald Gemstone enhanced, Chrome frame with LED Light Features